1470 -90 Illumination on parchment Biblioth?que Nationale, Paris The codex was executed for Louis Laval de Chatillon, a French nobleman by the workshop of Jean Colombe (1440-93). It contains the representations of the twelve sibyls and more than a thousand miniatures. This page represents the Eryhtrean Sibyl. The white rose is the symbol of the Annunciation, since - according to tradition - this sibyl previewed the birth of Christ. , MINIATURIST, French , Book of Prayers , 1451-1500 , French , illumination , religious
unknow artist Book of Prayers 1470-90 Illumination on parchment Biblioteka Jagiellonska, Cracow The miniature comes from a Prayers Book which, according to tradition, was owned by Wladislaus II King of Bohemia ((1471-1516) and Hungary (1490-1516). It represent Apostle Bartholomew before a patterned background with the gospel of St Matthew in his right hand. , MINIATURIST, Bohemian , Book of Prayers , 1451-1500 , Bohemian , illumination , religious